Monday, February 20, 2012

Sesame Street Live, Valentine's Day & Birthday Time

It was a busy week for the Wrights! It all kicked off with Sesame Street Live : Elmo makes music on Sunday...

Smiling for the camera - on purpose! That never happens!

Ready to see Elmo!
Travis and Blair
The whole gang!
IN to it!

A couple of sweet pictures of Blair from Gammy and Grandpa's house!

Valentine's Day basket...
Little People CD for my car
Cute owl jammies!
Her new ball pit
Hours of fun
Birthday Celebration #1 - With Grandma Nancy and Auntie Loren
Birthday Celebration #2 - With Mimi, Pops, Uncle Craig, Zoey, Uncle Conner and Caroline
Loving on Mimi and Pops
Getting some sugar from Mimi
Eating garlic bread (score!)
Playing in the ball pit
Birthday Celebration #3 - With Gammy and Grandpa
My sweet, sweet girl (this is the only pic I currently have but will post more later)

As promised, here is a recap from our busy Valentines / Birthday week. Last Sunday, we took Blair to see “Sesame Street Live – Elmo Makes Music.” It was pretty cool. Our seats were really great. We were in the elevated section (of Reliant Arena), but it was great because we could see really well. (The floor seats would’ve made it difficult for Bug to see.) I packed snacks and toys to
keep her occupied during the show. She loved it… lots of clapping and bouncing to the music. When they sang the ABC song, she looked at me and got really excited since she recognized it. It was pretty darn cute! We stayed through most of the show, but decided to quit while we were ahead. This was a huge score for us since we beat the crowds getting to the car and getting out of the parking lot. I would definitely take her to another one of these since she had so much fun. Success!

Tuesday was Valentine’s Day. Blair woke up with her eyes being pink again (since her eyes cleared up so quickly last time, I questioned whether it really had been pink eye). Turns out, it was. So we are back on the drops…’till the end! Blair got picked up from school by Gammy and Grandpa and they spent most of the day playing and exploring. Poor Bug was so tired from all the fun; she had an early bedtime (even with a 2 hour morning nap!). Blair got all kinds of fun cards and treats from her grandparents for her first Valentine’s Day. I, on the other hand, got a huge arrangement of 3 dozen roses delivered to my office. They were absolutely beautiful! Then, on Wednesday, Travis sent me a dozen of chocolate covered strawberries, and on Thursday, an arrangement of irises and red tulips. Can you say SPOILED? Travis went out of his way to make
sure that I felt very loved and special (although he always does that). It was very sweet and I was the envy of my office. ♥

Wednesday night, I conducted a little “20’s Exit Interview” with Travis. I actually just kind of had the idea come to me, so we went with it. I highly recommend it for anyone starting a new decade (or chapter) of your life. Some questions I askedwere (answers are private! :)):

1. What was your biggest regret of your 20’s?
2. What is the best thing you did in your 20’s?
3. What will you miss most about your 20’s, and what will you miss least?
4. Are you where you thought you would be (in life) when you were 20?
5. What did you imagine your life would be like when you were 20?
6. What are you excited about for your 30’s?
7. What are you dreading about your 30’s?
8. What is something you hope to accomplish in the next decade?
9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
10. What is the biggest lesson about life you have learned?

It was a fun activity and something we will do on the eve of our birthdays before entering a new decade.

Thursday night (Travis’ birthday), we celebrated our birthdays with Nancy and Loren. We ate at our favorite (close!) Mexican restaurant and passed around Blair for lots of hugs and cuddles (she is especially quiet and cuddly when she is tired). We had a great time celebrating!

Friday night, we were over at my parent’s house to continue the birthday festivities. We had a yummy dinner from Lasagna House and watched the girls play in the ball pit. Blair even tried (and liked!) garlic bread for the first time. I was surprised since I thought she would find it strong / spicy, but it was not a problem. Zoey was a little intimidated with the ball pit at first, but quickly warmed up to it. There was a ladder in the living room (Conner was working on replacing the ceiling fan) and Blair was like a magnet to it. I joked about her climbing it and jumping into the ball pit from the top – and Blair’s eyes lit up like, “That’s a great idea Mom.” Ha, like that’s gonna happen!

Saturday (my birthday!), we woke up to a rainy, drizzly day. We had a late birthday lunch at Gammy and Grandpa’s, then left Blair with them so we could go out to dinner to have a little birthday – date night. This will be its own post since it was more than just a date night!

Sunday we recovered with a hangover brunch at the Black Walnut Café. Nothing says “30” like a hangover brunch and shopping at Home Depot. I found (& bought shelves) for Blair’s playroom! They are so cute and are going to be perfect! Thank you to our parents for the money and gift cards which made the purchase possible. :)

Gammy and Grandpa brought the Bug home (after a 2 hour morning nap), which was quickly followed by another 1 ½ hour nap. She was a tired little girl!! We spent the rest of the day cleaning and playing.

Today, Blair is at home with Travis (the markets are closed for President’s day) getting some Daddy and Bug time! I am big time jealous… but they are going to have a fun day with the gorgeous weather!

Have a great week!

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