Sunday, February 5, 2012

10 Months!

10 months... come and gone. Look at how much my girl is growing!!

Blair's sleeping schedule - We are still working on this one. Luckily she is taking better naps at school, so I get to come home, feed, bathe and put her to bed. Plus she gets about an hour with Daddy before I get home. It makes for a busy evening, but well worth it. She is usually in bed and asleep by 6:00pm. And she's up by about 7am on the weekends. Not too bad. Blair is now consistently taking a morning and afternoon nap on the weekends. Glorious. And necessary!

We have a good little night time routine. Dinner, bath, jammies, Benadryl, Goodnight Moon (twice), bottle, then bed. She seems to really enjoy the schedule and has been settling down and going to sleep faster / better with it. Fingers are crossed. I am really waiting for baby girl to starting pulling all-nighters. Hopefully soon.

Eating - We recently started shifting Blair into the Stage 3 foods and table food. Needless to say, it's not going quite as smoothly as I had hoped. She gags at the chunky food and refuses to pick up slimy / wet foods such as peaches, bananas (ok, any diced fruit or vegetable) and ham / turkey. However she is a fan of bread. Big shock! And she loves things that crunch, like her mum-mums and puffs. She is becoming even less interested in eating her usual favorites like yogurt or her stage 2 foods from a spoon. I am trying everything! Different colors, textures, flavors. I know they say kids go through this stage, but it makes us worry she isn't getting enough food. Blair is still taking bottles (since she isn't eating much). I am starting to think that this is a little set-back due to her talking and walking. I have read that babies tend to be early talkers or early walkers - since she is showing signs of doing both early, I am thinking that this is somewhat effecting her eating. We go to Dr. Kavin on Tuesday (for B's 9 month baby check-up), so we will talk to him about it then. Today she seemed to be interested in little ham and cheese sandwiches, so maybe she'll eat that until she is ready for other food.

We also recently switched to soy milk, wondering if maybe she has a mild milk allergy. Since she always seems to have a runny nose which turns into an ear infection, we figured we would try to rule it out. It's only been a week, so not much to report. Dr. K thought it would be a good idea, so we will see. We also continue to give Blair a dose of Benadryl at bedtime. Hoping that the combination of the two will help.

Walking and Talking - Walking is now Blair's preferred mode of getting around. It's a lot of right, left. Right. Left. But she is getting quick and does well bending down to pick something up and standing back up. I am pleased to see she got her mother's sense of balance. Can't wait to get this kiddo in some tumbling! Every day, Blair shows more signs of understanding and ways of communicating... it is really neat to watch. She uses sounds / letters like : d, b, m, c, cl, bl - then the vowels. Recently she has begun calling the ball "bah," the dog "dah," and her name "Bluh." Very cute. We are also working on her sign language. Every month they are taught a new sign. This month it is hurt. Boy I hope she is able to learn / understand this one.

Things we are "in" to - Walks in her stroller. B loves it. One day while she and Trav were on a walk, it began raining, so Trav had to jog home. He said Bug had the biggest smile on her face and she was kicking her feet (she does this when she is being held and gets pumped about something). Apparently going fast is something else she likes. Blair is also a huge fan and supporter of all bubbles and bubble activity. She is at the classic age where she claps about things she likes or when she is proud of herself. And we totally oblige her, with reckless abandon. B also likes to crawl underneath the tables (in the breakfast room and dining room) and the pool table at Gammy and Grandpa's house. Recently we have begun doing the "Indian sound" (softly batting your hand against your mouth, making noise). She gets a kick out of it, especially if we do it to her. Mimicking is something she is just starting to pick-up on and learn. Oh, and let's not forget books. Girlfriend loves books... and if you ask her to go and get a particular book, she can do that. No sweat. Need that mum-mum package opened? Ask her to bring it to you so it can be opened. She's my very smart girl.

In the last couple of weeks, Blair has begun throwing fits. Really not cute from a 10 month old. Luckily they don't last too long & I am working on trying to ignore them (better).

School - Blair has transitioned really well in her new class (Infant B). Just as I hoped, she started taking naps at school. On good days, she might take one (1) hour and a half nap or maybe two (2) one hour naps. Bad days are one (1) thirty minute nap or no nap. But we are having more good days, than bad - so that is definitely a win for us. Her teachers are so impressed at how much Blair walks around after just learning a couple of weeks ago.

Teeth - Currently Blair's top four teeth are out and the lower bottom two. She always seems to be teething, so who knows when the next ones will come!

Here are the latest pics of Little Miss. You'll notice a couple of bumps / little bruises on her forehead. Battle scars of a beginning walker. Oh, and I really thought these pictures look like the pics I took at 6 months - as in Blair looks the same.

And a disclaimer : Again, this month was the most difficult to get since she doesn't like to sit / lay still. If the sticker and her face made it in the same frame, that was a win.

Hello Blue Eyes!

Daddy holding her up
(this was the last picture taken)

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