Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tomorrow: Tubes!

Well, this has been a long time coming! Tomorrow we go to Texas Children's (hellooooo close proximity!) to have tubes put in Blair's ears. We met with the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat doctor) about two weeks ago. They readily agreed that Blair was a perfect candidate for tubes, especially when they learned she had had 4 ear infections in under 6 months - plus she is behind in her immunizations (due to the constant congestion from the ear infections).

We got in tomorrow at 7am for a 9am surgery. It is a simple out-patient procedure and we should be home by Noon at the latest. Travis is going to work from home and Mimi is going to keep Blair and I company at the hospital. Then, she gets a full day with Gammy and Grandpa on Thursday, and Daddy is off Friday for Good Friday. Lucky Bug! :)

We are hoping for a successful surgery with a positive outcome of no more ear infections. This is my hope for little Bug. She (and we!) is so tired of the antibiotics, fevers, ear pain and missing school. Please pray that she does well in surgery and that these pesky ear infections are no longer!

I am ready for a FULL time happy girl. Will update you with how her surgery goes tomorrow!

Happy thoughts for my girl!

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