Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Year Molars

Blair has not been sleeping well the last few nights, which has been hard on us (and her!). I guess we found the reason why! In the last day or two, her lower right one year molar is coming in. Between that and the pink eye, she has been really congested. And she has this gnarly cough at night time. I finally took her to the doctor today. I was worried that she might have one or two ear infections (although no fever), since every time she starts to get sick, the fluid builds up in her ears and we are a day or two away from an ear infection.

The verdict? Her ears looked good and Dr. K said the tubes looked like they were in a good place (whew). So that was a HUGE relief.  We are now giving Bug Allegra (instead of Zyrtec) and Mucinex. Hopefully she will get better soon. Sleeping has been rough.

I got laryngitis this week, so communicating has been a little... strained? Everyone keeps asking me if I feel as bad as I sound. I don't, thank goodness, but I would like to be well for the Company picnic I am organizing this weekend (at the zoo!). We shall see. I am excited that we are getting to take Blair back to the zoo. And since a few of the women I work with have had kids around a year or two of me, there will be kiddos there her age!

B has been working on her "g" sounds and "n" sounds. She has said "no" a couple of times - but not in a negative way. The word just kind of came out. We are testing out the water on two and three word sentences. Sometimes she repeats the words, and sometimes she doesn't. So cute nonetheless. She is such a busy person. Always on the go, chattering away. She is super big into sharing these days, especially with her food!

I spoke with Blair's teacher the other day and she said that she is doing really well in the toddler classroom. She will be over there full time starting in May (hello tuition reduction!). My sweet little bug is growing up!

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