Thursday, September 15, 2011

Letters to Blair

Today, Travis and I created an email address for B. We did it in hopes that our friends and family would send her letters that she could read one day. We hope people will write her to tell her how much she is loved, or to tell her something funny, or encouraging letters for when she needs them later in life. Every two months, I write an "old fashioned" letter to B. It goes into an envelope, is sealed, and tucked away for when she is grown. Or maybe in those really rough teenage years when she thinks I am being unreasonable and we are going head to head. Either way, I think they will get the point across. This is just another way to create a sort of time capsule for her future. If you would like to email Blair (the emails will remain unopened and not read until she reads them), message or email me and I will share it!

So Blair has been pretty into her toes lately. She's got them, and she definitely likes them. It would be helpful to her mother if she wasn't the most fascinated with them while I was changing her diaper - but what can you do? When you discover something neat, it's hard to put it (or them) down.

Yesterday, Blair successfully drank from her sippy cup. I had taken a break on working on it for a few weeks, but I bought her a Dr. Brown's sippy cup and she figured it out! Pretty big stuff. We only let her have water, or very diluted juice. Today Ligia said she pushed away her bottle - wha? My bottle-chugging baby? Maybe she's just enjoying the sippy cup too much to trade it in.

Blair has been making lip smacking sounds when she is hungry. It's kind of silly, but I am glad that she is able to communicate when she is hungry. We are still experimenting with different blends of foods and I make sure she gets a decent sized helping of rice cereal for dinner. I need all of the help I can get while trying to get her to sleep through the night.

I few weeks ago I posted about Blair wanting to stand (a lot). We've moved on from just wanting to stand. We want to bounce and we want to do it a lot. If she isn't working out the bouncer, she is trying to jump while you are holding her in your lap. You'd think my arms would be a little more toned, but no such luck. You would also think that all of this exercise would make her tired enough to sleep all night. Nope. Speaking of sleeping (again), we have decided to move B's bedtime to 6m, if she needs it. Since she isn't really napping in the afternoons, she is exhausted by 5:30pm. We are still flexible in that if she's happy and not rubbing those baby blues (showing her classic sleepy sign), then we put her down later. Give and take.

I have a co-worker that is due in about 2 months with her first baby. She asks me lots of questions (and for those of you that read my blog know I don't mind sharing) about babies and today, we discussed sleep - or lack there of. I warned her that the first few months, you run on pure adrenaline, excitement and unbiding love for your baby. By month 5 - you are running on fumes and the fatigue sets in. She thought it was pretty funny - little does she know! Share the responsibility... that's your best chance of survival. Ha!

Today, Ligia took the cutest picture of Blair and Zoey. They were sitting on the floor (oh my goodness they are getting so big!), playing with toys and reading books. Ligia said that Blair was babbling like she was reading the book to Zoey. That made me so happy and proud that my girl likes books. For as much as we read to her, I am glad she seems to like it.  Check out this adorable picture here.

Alright, time for me to watch this LSU - Mississippi State game. GEAUX TIGERS!!!

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