Monday, September 12, 2011

24 weeks and SiLLy fAcEs!

And... she's back!

Our little girl is back to her old self. In the last week or so, she hadn't seemed like her self. I knew that her teeth were really bothering her and thought that she might be going through another growth spurt. She has been in a really good mood, making her silly little faces.

Last week we celebrated Grandpa George's birthday with dinner and cake. Mmmmm... cake.... Ok, now where was I? Celebrating birthdays. She was all smiles and being silly.

We are pretty interested in those candles.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Alright, like I said, she's making her silly faces again. And I have come to the realization that my sweet baby girl... is a Daddy's girl. She is always watching her Daddy and is very intently studying his movements, face and voice. Cuteness.

She makes this face in the Excer-Saucer and when she's in her bouncer. Classic.

This weekend, we purchased Blair's high chair. I have to admit that she could have been sitting in one for a couple of weeks (and sits in one during the day). We just feed her in her Bumpo chair (with the tray) for meals. I have been putting off the purchase because the one that I liked wasn't in the store and I kept holding out. We'll, I am proud to say that my waiting paid off. When I went into BabiesRUs this weekend, they had one super similar on clearance for $90! I was expecting to pay at least $30+. Score for Ashley.

Big Girl High Chair (thanks to Daddy for assembling - more pieces than you'd think!)

She's having a hard time understanding why we are taking pictures during dinner time
(she'll understand why in 25+ years, ha!)

Confession. Blair doesn't have any smocked outfits. She is growing so fast and the jury is still out for me if I really like the look, so I've haven't bought her any. While we were in Baton Rouge, walking around the LSU gift shop, Mom and I saw these adorable smocked onesies. Oh my, it is too precious. It is unlikely she'll be able to wear this next season, so she will get plenty of wear out of this little thing.

On Sunday, September 11th, Travis and I went with my parents to the season opener of the Houston Texans. We dropped Blair off early on Sunday morning with Grandpa George and Grandma (Gammy) Roslyn and headed to the stadium to meet up with our friends that were tailgating before the game. Lots of fun and I was exhausted by the time we got home (which was early since we were beating the Colts pretty bad!).

Family of Texan fans!

A beautiful September 11th tribute, which got me thinking that I will one day have to explain to Blair what this special, significant day means. She will learn the realization of evil and hate in the world. So sad to think about. I still cannot watch any of the news footage or news specials about it all. I never watched the movie they made, it just seems so fresh, I am not ready to relive that all again. My heart goes out to those families who lost loved ones. I truly cannot imagine.

A few beers deep and having a great time!

I better get to bed. Blair is still getting up at least once a night, but we are no longer swaddling her, which I am very happy about. And she sleeps best on her tummy, which is fine with me. I am up checking on her throughout the night.

Oh! I am pumped! T and I just planned our next date night. We had to skip August date night because of the trip to New Orleans, then B got sick. So much was going on last month, we called August a wash. But we have a really good one for this month. It's scheduled in about a week or two and I will blog about it soon after!

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