Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chef's Surprise

I was given the book, "The Girlfriend's Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood," by a friend (THANK YOU AMY!). Do yourself a favor - go out and buy it. You'll sympathize, cry, and laugh-so-hard-you'll-cry throughout it. It's a hysterical, yet oh so true, storytelling about how your first year of motherhood will go. It talks about baby euphoria and sleep deprivation to 'recovery' and thinking about Baby #2. My blog post is titled after one of the topics about getting your baby to sleep in her own bed (crib). I highly recommend this book to new mothers, soon to be mothers and even spouses (talk about giving them a peek into our world!). I am definitely going to buy the other books in this "series" - esp the Toddler one. I can only imagine how funny that one will be!

Let me just say that I have been awful at taking pictures of Blair this past week. She has been so active that we are in her face, playing and learning every second she's not in her bouncer (her favorite thing to do!). Plus, we still have to watch her like a hawk since she tends to lean / fall over or bonk her little noggin with a toy. Needless to say, picture taking has taken a backseat, so there aren't a lot to post. It is already Thursday and I am very behind for this week. Every passing day (and chore left undone) leaves me feeling more and more like a Mommy.

What is B doing... hmmm... she is doing well with her earlier bedtime. It just seemed to make more sense to move her bedtime when she really wasn't taking naps. So far, it has her sleeping from about 6:15pm until 5:30am. She wakes up about 1 - 2 times and isn't up for much longer than the time to change her diaper and take down about 4 ounces of formula. It does mean a little less time we see her, but trying to keep her up until 7pm was making her last waking hour miserable for all of us. She seems to like it, so we'll take it.

Wildfires spread across Texas so badly about 2 weeks ago, that a park close to our house caught fire. It burned over 1,500 acres in no time at all. We began packing our things, grabbing our most treasured items and baby gear into suitcases and bags in case we were forced to evacuate. Scary! Firefighters were able to contain the fire and with a little help from such needed rain last weekend, our homes and those even closer to the park, were spared. Prayers were definitely answered!!

We spent last Saturday celebrating Hudson's 1st birthday. We met for lunch at Potbelly's, catching up and listening to some good live music. Hudson is such a sweet little boy and I cannot believe he is already one! Blair gave him a lego firetruck that she thinks he is going to like a lot. :) Again, I didn't have my camera (I had left my purse in the car since we were having a thunderstorm - thinking of the 8 different items to take into Potbelly's, that was one item I didn't really need = no camera). Ally got some cute ones I will have to post a little later.

Ok. I have to get into bed... tomorrow is going to be a long day. We have our date night tomorrow so we will be out a little later than usual (no, no... nothing really crazy - I am talking like 10:30pm. Yeah, I said it.). Then we have lunch on Saturday to celebrate Mimi's birthday (which is actually tomorrow). Happy Birthday Mimi!

As I put in my disclaimer above, I was lacking in the photography department this week and last. Here's what I did get!

Boucing in her bouncer (this is actually an action shot)

Playing with her new activity toy (and oh my God - sitting like a big kid!)

Drinking her juice

Being my big girl at 24 weeks ♥

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