Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

A few pictures first!

22.5 weeks

Love those baby blues!

Travis and Blair

Silly girl

Geaux Tigers

Our "tough" dog laying with his baby. So cute!

Sitting - and surrounded by pillows! 23 weeks!

Enjoying Mimi and Pop's pool on Labor Day

Working on some water (with a splash of juice)

Bouncer? Check. Fans? Check. Cuteness? Check and check.

This week has gotten away from me! I cannot believe it is already Thursday night (thank the Lord!). Gotta love those 3 day weekends. Tonight is also the first NFL game of the season, which means I have a very excited and happy husband. We got his favorite, Brother's Pizza, for dinner to watch in front of the game. Now if we could just keep that cute little snuzzler in her bed. Speaking of...

My unhealthy obsession with my daughter continues to grow. The other day I was rocking her and realized how long her hair is getting. The front is getting longer so I can actually use just a clip in her hair (as opposed to using a headband). It just made me realize how big she is getting and how we are on the brink of a whole new world... mobility.

Blair is nearly sitting on her own. I mean, she sits on her own, but after about 10 or so seconds, she leans and kind of rolls over. It is so interesting to watch these changes in her. She still tries to wiggle and army crawl, but not much happens. She tries though. That determination... I see it rearing its ugly head when she is 15, but it is so darn cute right now. Just watching her try to do anything, or studying something intently makes me so proud. Just for the record, I don't (happy) cry near as much as I used to, but I still have my moments. I am in awe of that little girl.

Ok, moving on... other things that Blair is doing. She is trying to hold her own bottle, but has not quite mastered that. We've got her back in her crib (after a few week stint of sleeping with Mom and Dad), however she is still not sleeping though the night. Last night, we celebrated Grandpa George's birthday (Happy Birthday Grandpa!!), and although she fell asleep in the car after a long evening of playing, she still woke up at midnight and 3am. At 3am she was pretty awake, and after about 20 minutes of rocking, I laid her in her crib and turned on her mobile. She never cried, and I fell alseep - so all was well. Naps are still pretty hit or miss (afternoon naps are a 'miss' 98% of the time).

I am SO ready for this teething process to be over. B has been teething since she turned 3 months and still no teeth in sight. I continue to buy any kind of teething toy I can get my hands on to help her out, but still nothing. I am praying for some teeth to come through soon to give her some kind of relief.

We very much enjoyed our long holiday weekend. Although we had nothing "big" planned, we took it easy hanging out together. Saturday night was the first LSU game. In honor of the exciting day, I did a photo shoot with Blair in her LSU cheerleading outfit (as you can see from the pics above!). A big thank you to Mimi and Pops for the special gift! That night, Grandpa George and Grandma Roslyn wanted to see our girl, so we dropped her off for a few hours and Travis and I made dinner together and watched the game.

On Sunday, Blair and I had brunch scheduled with Court, Cheryl and Kylie. Courtney was gracious enough to host us in her new home (which is awesome!). Blair kept busy in her excer saucer while Mommy caught up on the gossip. :)

We spent Monday afternoon saying good-bye to summer, by my parent's pool. Blair bounced in her bouncer the entire time. I had her stroller fans on her and had every available link attached to another Lamaze-type toy. Girl had it made. In the shade. After awhile by the pool, we had a big family dinner and were back home so Travis could do a fantasy football draft (did I mention he loves football?). I think I failed to mention that B also slept to 8:30am on both Sunday and Monday mornings! She still woke up a different points of the night, but the 8:30am wake-up was very much appreciated. It definitely beats the 6:30am wake-up.

On a much more somber note... wild fires claimed much of Texas this weekend. Thankfully, the farm (out in Columbus) was spared. They lost the barn and the front yard, but the house is still standing. George and Roslyn were telling us that the mulch would turn into flames and that bales of hay would burst into flames. They think that running the sprinklers helped save the house and keep the fire from coming any closer. Scary to think about it because the barn is close to the house... luckily not close enough. Many people in the area and all around Texas have lost their homes, land, and animals to this spread of fires. We have had such an incredibly dry and hot summer - the fires spread so quickly. We are saying prayers for those still dealing with the fires and for those that have lost everything.

Well, that is all I got. I need to put this computer down so I can watch the rest of this game... it's a good one!

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