Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Update : Blair's Ears

So an update on Little Miss. Yesterday, Travis took her to the doctor to see how her ears looked after this (second) round of antibiotics. She was acting more and more like herself, she seemed over the cold, and was sleeping better. The only problem was she was still pulling at one of her ears and we knew that wasn't a good sign. There was good news and bad news. Dr. Kavin said that her ears were looking better, but that there was fluid in one of them. Sigh. My baby has been sick for so long and we just want her to feel better. Dr. Kavin said we needed to do another round of the Omnicef to help it clear up. Sigh again.

While getting back to her old self, Blair is crawling like a pro. She gets better every day. I find it interesting to watch her go from laying down on her back, to rolling over, to sitting up.

We have started to give Blair those Gerber "puffs" to snack on before she eats. She's getting pretty good at eating them, or at least swallowing them. She is still only 1 for 3 (actually making it into her mouth), but tries hard and is enthusiastic. Blair is still eating tons of yogurt. I found a peach & squash Yobaby yogurt duo that she likes, so it has added more variety. I also bought the Yobaby drinkable yogurt so she can take it from a bottle as a good snack. Travis and I bought the Earth's Best "Gourmet Foods" variety pack for Blair to try. They have flavors like "Chicken Mango Risotto" and "Tender Beef Spinach." We are still trying to expose her to all flavors and textures. She is not a fan of peas, green beans or garden vegetable blends. Win some, lose some.

We are getting so very excited for Thanksgiving! I cannot believe it is TOMORROW! Where has the time gone? I can't wait to celebrate this holiday with Blair. Thanksgiving is one of my favorites. It reminds me of being a kid, living at home, cooking dinner with my whole family in PJs, watching football and spending good ole family time together. We actually still do that, though these days it involves "spirits" and all day eating / snacking prior to the big event. Tomorrow we will be at Mimi and Pop's house celebrating Blair's first Thanksgiving! I have pulled out her own little Thanksgiving dinner of baby food. She is getting Turkey with Sweet Potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese, and Mixed Vegetables. The closest thing to pie we have is Peach Cobbler, so she will probably have that for dessert. Speaking of dessert - I made my first pumpkin pie for Travis! I hope it tastes good!

Here are some pics taken over the last week or so!

Busy B in her walker

Concentrating on those Gerber puffs

She turns over the toys to see where their music / sounds come from. Cute.

Those legs. They are so stinkin' cute.

Looking for where the sound is coming from (again)

Still loves the bouncer

Rolling around

Helping Daddy in the kitchen... despite her positioning in this picture, she has gotten really good at going forward (when she started she only went backwards, if at all).

She ordered Da-da (everything is da-da right now... all conversations on her part involve "da" and "da-da" and the occasional high pitched squeal) around the kitchen, wooden spoon in hand.

Raleigh made a major mistake leaving his bone unattended. She made a bee line for it!

Sorry the picture is blurry, but it is adorable!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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