Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Must Have!

Right before making our trip to East Texas last weekend, I worried about Blair being in her car seat for a prolonged period of time when it is so hot out. Even with the AC blasting cold air, her back would still be hot and mildly sweaty when we would take her out of the car seat. So Thursday, I was searching the internet for some kind of liner to put in her car seat that would keep her cooler. Mission Accomplished.

I found the Meeno Babies "Cool Me Seat Liner." We got the Bucket Seat liner since it is for 0-12 months. There was no (inexpensive) way to get it to us before our trip, however, The Right Start in Rice Village had one left. Since that is right next to Travis' office, he picked it up on the way home that next day before our trip.

We like it a lot and it does seem to keep Blair cooler. With temperatures averaging in the high 90's to low 100's, we needed something! I would say that the liner is worth the $30 and a summer must have for those with babies and toddlers.

The Cool Me Seat Liner comes in three sizes below:

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