Monday, May 2, 2011

5 Weeks!

Ok, so I am a little behind on the 5 week update. In all fairness, I have started this post a few times, but then put the computer down to cook, feed Blair, grab a water, let the dog out - you get the picture. Anyways, Travis is at a concert and I have a sleeping baby, so I am going to do my best to get this posted. Here it goes.

Last Thursday we had our annual NFL draft party with my family- as we have done for the last 4 (or 5?) years. This year, Christopher hosted. Uncle Chris was so pleased with how well behaved Blair and Zoey were. Little does he know that as soon as they are mobile, his opinion will change! :) I am not a huge fan of how they have broken the draft into three separate days, but at least they cut the time for the later rounds. Travis prepares and looks forward to the NFL draft ALL year long (it includes millions of "mock" draft revisions, hours and hours of research, and an admitted "sickness" for the sport altogether). It helps him prepare for the draft in our fantasy league. I have to admit, when we draft our fantasy teams, I do benefit from his hard work and research. Though for as much as we talk about football and it is discussed in our home, it's a small price.

I spent the entire weekend out of commission with a stomach bug (which resulted in the cancellation of Day 2 of the draft at our house). I was quarantined in our room to ensure that B didn't catch whatever it was that I had. It started Friday morning and lasted until about Sunday. No fun - and therefore, boring weekend. Daddy and Blair did get plenty of face time this weekend, so that was good.

On Monday, I was very stir crazy and needed to get out of the house. Blair and I picked up Mimi and went on Blair's first shopping trip! Nothing too crazy... just a stop at Hobby Lobby and Target. We even were able to squeeze in lunch. Blair was a trooper and did so great. So proud of her... let's just hope that continues the older she gets! It was a big day for our girl. So much so, that she had an epic battle vs the "sleep monster." She was sooo tired and put up a good fight, but ultimately fell victim.

Tuesday we took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful, cool weather (so unlike Houston to have such cool weather in May!). Today I took Blair to Travis' office to meet all of his co-workers, then went out to eat for lunch. Fun times... we liked seeing Daddy during the work day! We then went to Mimi's to hang out for a few hours before coming home.

Blair changes by the minute. She looks more and more like Travis every day. She does have her Momma's eyelashes! She now prefers to be held on your shoulder, upright (none of that "baby cradling!"). Although she loves the position, we still have to hold her head because that girl does her best to hold it up, then inevitably crashes her head into your shoulder/chest. I can already tell that Blair is going to be a girl that wants to be apart of the fun and will be into everything. At lunch, Travis and I were talking about when Blair would start to smile (intentionally). I told him that it should be "any day now." She was definitely listening because tonight she did it a few times for me (and no, it wasn't because she had gas!). It was so beautiful and melted my heart. I only wish Travis had been there - and that I had my camera to capture it. Oh well, I am quite certain we'll get another one or two out of her soon!

Last night was Blair's first night to sleep in her crib! She only gave me about 3-4 hour stretches, but I am so proud of her. Since I go back to work next week, it was imperative we get this transition started. We have a video monitor that sits on my bedside table, so I am able to peek on her periodically and really determine if she is up, or just being restless. Hopefully we'll get some longer stretches of sleep out of her in the coming month(s).

Speaking of Miss Blair, she's up again. At least I made it through the post. I will have to post updated pictures later though. It's time to rock my Sleeping Beauty back to sleep!

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