I feel like so much has happened, and I am so behind on blogging! The weekend after New Year's, we went to lunch and the park with Grandma Nancy. Blair loves to be outside and enjoyed getting to swing. The park also takes it out of her, so we weren't there long. Silly little girl.
Last week (Tuesday night), Blair came down with a high fever. We pulled off her jammies and I spent the next 1 - 2 hours keeping cool wash cloths on her head, working to bring her fever down. I immediately knew I wouldn't be going into the office on Wednesday. We had our 9 month well baby appointment on Wednesday (which was just turned into a sick baby appointment). Three hours later (the day before, Houston had gotten a lot of rain, knocking out the power of Dr. Kavin's office so all of his Tuesday appointments were pushed to Wednesday), yeah, three hours later, it was determined Bug had double ear infections, a red throat, and a high white blood cell count (thanks to the nasty viral infection B's body was fighting off). She got a shot of antibiotics to jump start the Omnicef and we headed home, praying that her fever would go down. I stayed home with Blair again on Thursday since there was no way she was able to go to school. Poor little bear... my heart broke for her. Friday, Gammy stayed home with B so that I could go back into the office. After refusing a bottle all day (and I began to panic about her becoming dehydrated [can you tell I become a mess when B gets sick??? ...Poor Trav]) she finally began drinking, late Friday night. Whew, it was a rough week.
As you can see from my post below, Biggles said "Mama" - intentionally - for the first time on Saturday. She has never said it so meaningfully before, so it was really neat!
THEN, on Sunday, Blair took 6 steps! She has taken 1 or 2 steps, but never so many! Funny enough, she was trying to get Trav's Heineken bottle (she loves the green bottles!). So she took steps trying to get to it. I don't know if I should be happy, or embarrassed. LOL. She is still a little timid, but Sister knows she can do it, so it won't be long before she is tearing off everywhere. I am holding onto these last few days / weeks of her being a baby. She continues to take in her surroundings, people and sound. I love her fascination of sound... she is such a neat and smart little girl.
Fast forward to today - and now I am sick with that awesome cold B brought home! I spent all morning in jury duty (that's right, for the second time in three months), feeling terrible until I was finally released and spent the afternoon sleeping. I am hoping that this sticks around for only another day or so. I cannot miss MORE work! Ahhh!
Blair's check-up for her ears is on Thursday... we are praying that we will get the news that her ears are getting better.
On Saturday, my besties and I are hosting a baby shower for fellow bestie, Cheryl. Logan will be here in just a few weeks, so we are getting really excited for Cheryl and Chris. I do want to say that I think this will be an awesome shower! There have been countless emails flying between the hosts, carefully planning this luncheon. Sneak peek at the theme: Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails! So cute, right? Can't wait to see how it will all turn out. I have been in quite the party planning mode! ;)
Time to eat some Mexican food (comfort food for my soul!!) and get some shut-eye!