Tuesday, June 21, 2011

12 Weeks and Father's Day!

Ok, I am SO behind with this post. I have been wanting to write it and post it all week - but just never quite found the time.

So last week we took Blair for her two month check up (we are a week or so behind schedule at getting there). Dr. Kavin continues to be impressed with her development, sleep / eating patterns, and strength. Blair's two month stats are:

  • Weight: 13 lbs, 9oz (92%)

  • Height: 25.5" (110%!)

  • Head Circumference: 15.75" (65%)

Yowza... looks like we are going to have a tall girl on our hands!

This past week Blair has really enjoyed being up and seeing what's going on. She has the BEST smiles... it looks like she is laughing silently, because her gummy smile is so large and full of life. It is the best feeling to watch her eyes light up, get that big goofy grin and be happy to see you. Magic. We sure do have a lot to say and will coo with the best of them. Blair still takes a lot of power naps and pretty consistently sleeps about 10 hours. I definitely don't mind when she wakes up in the middle of the night... it's just more time to hold and love on her.

Last weekend we spent time celebrating Father's Day. For Travis' first Father's Day, we hung out all day as a family, running errands and playing. We gave T our gifts and grilled steaks. It was a pretty awesome day and the perfect way to spend it.

Blair is so lucky to have a Daddy like Trav. He is so patient, so kind, and so loving to her. She really has no idea how lucky she is. Travis absolutely adores her and although I don't think I have been replaced, Blair is giving me a run for my money. :) She is a special little girl that holds onto her Daddy's heart.

We also celebrated Father's Day having lunch with George, Roslyn and Loren and swimming at my parent's house. Blair got plenty of time with both of her grandfathers and it was a wonderful day!

Here are some cute pictures from Blair's 12th week!

Sleeping and holding Daddy's hand


Travis and Aunt Loren (I am pretty sure this is what Blair is going to look like in 20 years)

Wearing her Batman onesie

I sure do. :)

Houdini escapes again!

Sweet face

We love bathies!

Me and MY Daddy!

Happy Father''s Day to the best Dad in the whole world, who taught me to work hard, be honest and be humble - while appreciating my spirit.

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