Monday, August 1, 2011

18 Weeks

18 Weeks... ok, here it goes!

Blair is becoming more in control of her movements. She makes very deliberate grabs at toys, bottles and hands (which she tries to put directly into her mouth). She has great neck muscle control and prefers the sitting or standing positions. None of that "laying down" stuff.

I don't know if I mentioned this in a previous post, but she has completely pushed away the pacy. I thought it would be better to have something to comfort her or help her sleep, but she wants no part of it. Glad I didn't already buy the next sizes of pacifiers! We still swaddle her everynight to sleep, and Houdini always escapes. Multiple times. If we don't put her in it, she keeps herself awake or easily wakes up by her arms / hands. Tips anyone??

Blair goes down about 7 - 7:30ish (after a short 20-30 minute nap around 5pm - which only happens about 50% of the time) and sleeps until about 2 or 3am. Once I've heated up a bottle, fed / burped, and reswaddled her, it's back to sleep hoping she doesn't wake up before my alarm goes off at 4:50am. Sometimes she gets up at 4am which means I am up for the day.

I drop her off at 6:40am and I think she is up for a little while with some fussiness (still actively teething!) before finally crashing for a solid 2 - 3 hours. Bless her little heart. She is generally happier in the afternoon and all smiles when I pick her up at 3pm.

So, on her 4 month birthday (Thursday), we let her try her food baby food. I was so excited about this new milestone because I know she is going to love it. So we started her on sweet potatoes and rice cereal. She wasn't really into it but really enjoyed banging her spoon on her tray which was pretty funny. We tried peas the next day and she seemed to better understand the chewing and swallowing thing. It was so fun... loved it. So far she has had sweet potatoes, peas and carrots. She doesn't seem to like the rice cereal, so I am going to get some juice at the store and mix it with that to sweeten it up a little.

On Saturday, Blair spent the night with Grandpa George and Grandma Roslyn. Travis and I were meeting some family and friends in the Woodlands for the Band of Horses and Kings of Leon concert and we thought it would be a fun idea for her to spend the night out (most especially since we'd be getting home so late). Unfortunately our concert was cancelled, but Blair was still wanting a visit with her grandparents, so we dropped her off for the night! She had lots of fun and enjoyed all of the attention from Grandma and Grandpa. She decided that she was ready to play at 2am and was up for an hour. It's hard to be mad when she's just so darn cute.

Big night away from Mom and Dad. We missed her a lot!

Ok, what else am I forgetting? She tries to sit on her own and if she is on her back, she will try to sit up and it looks like she is doing crunches. She loves to stand... nothing has changed there. Her eyes are still big and blue. They are this beautiful shade of blue. It makes her look so innocent, especially when you pair it with how big and pretty her eyes are. I think there is a chance they will change, but we are loving them right now!

Somethine else... I don't know how I almost forgot to mention it! My favorite moment of the week. Blair and Daddy reading before bed. She is helping with the pages. Those little hands. Too much. I love this picture, it just warms my heart. It is picture #3 below...

Visiting with Grandma Nancy (I have no idea why Blair's eyes look so strange - bad lighting and flash?)

Another weird eye picture, but this looks like me as a baby!
My favorite picture . My favorite moment .
Happy 4 months Blair!
Tummy Time

17.5 weeks

Eskimo kisses with Daddy

First try of sweet potatoes

Trying to sit up

Riding in style.

Ok, must get into bed. I have a date with the grocery store tomorrow. And if you thought HEB wasn't crowded at 3:30 in the afternoon, you'd be wrong.

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