Sunday, August 28, 2011
5 Months!
Friday, August 26, 2011
First ER Visit
Well, suffice it to say... we have had quite the week (and I was thinking that early Thursday morning)!
We have been without child care this week, so it's been a struggle trying to work and taking care of Blair... but we have managed.
It all started early Thursday morning. Blair woke up with a low grade fever and chewing on her hands like crazy. I gave her Tylenol and put her into bed with us. All morning and day she ran that low grade fever (99 - 100), but remained smiley, happy wanting to play with toys and eating normally. She was a little more cuddley and clingy than usual, but I knew she wasn't feeling well. I figured we were thisclose to cutting those first teeth!
I was supposed to be working from home, and although I got some work done, I wasn't near as productive as I would have liked to be. I chalked it up as a loss and figured that I would catch up on Friday morning at the office (Grandma Roslyn was going to watch Blair today so I could go into the office).
While Trav and I were feeding Blair her dinner last night, she sort of choked on part of her food. Once she cleared her throat and all was ok, I offered her a bottle to help wash it down. We started back on her food when all of the sudden we were covered in vomit. Total projectile vomiting. We immediately ended dinner and put her into the bath.
We decided that since she was still not feeling well and running that low grade temp, that we would let her sleep with us. We gave her a bottle and she fell asleep in between us.
Around 10:20pm, Blair woke up crying and when I felt her head, she was burning up. We tried to take her temperature with our digital ear thermometer and kept getting different readings. Some would be high, and others low grade. I knew just by touch that she was too hot and that we needed to take her to the ER - stat. I kept cold wash cloths on her to try and regulate her temperature. We hurriedly ran across the street (thank goodness it was close!) to the new Texas Children's Hospital.
The triage nurse that saw us commented on how good she looked but told me that she wasn't getting enough Tylenol (I have been giving her the 0.4mL dose). She had moved up in the weight allowance and she should've been getting twice her dose! Ugh. Make me feel terrible.
So we get into an ER room and they inform me that they have to run some lab tests and collect a urine sample to ensure she wasn't having a UTI. In order to collect the urine, they had to insert a catheter. That was not any fun. Neither were the blood tests. It took a very long time and multiple sticks and digging around (in both arms and legs!) and a TON of tears until they could finally squeeze out some blood. My poor, poor baby. It was absolutely horrific having to hold her down while they searched for a vein (the multiple nurses told us how small and hard to find they were). They would give her a little break so I could hold her and calm her down (just in time to start the digging again).
Travis and I finally told them that they had one more shot before we were done. Luckily, they were able to collect a little bit of blood for the tests. After about an hour, we were informed that everything looked good and she was free to go. They told us it was probably just a viral infection and that it would run it's course. We had already decided that I would be staying at home with her today.
We got home at nearly 3am and poor Trav had only a few hours of sleep before having to get up and go to work. :( It has been a rough couple of days.
I am so unbelievably thankful that Blair is ok (and just sick with something like a viral infection). We are so thankful that she didn't get sick last week in New Orleans. I couldn't imagine being in a hospital over there, on vacation. Things can always be worse, there is no doubt. I think Travis and I are just ready to have this week over with and hope things go back to "normal."
So there it was, our first ER visit with Blair. Godwilling it is the last one.
Back to snuggling with my poor little girl...
Monday, August 22, 2011
Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez
Petting on Raleigh (she is always reaching out to touch him)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
HOT child in the city!
Monday, August 1, 2011
18 Weeks
Blair is becoming more in control of her movements. She makes very deliberate grabs at toys, bottles and hands (which she tries to put directly into her mouth). She has great neck muscle control and prefers the sitting or standing positions. None of that "laying down" stuff.
I don't know if I mentioned this in a previous post, but she has completely pushed away the pacy. I thought it would be better to have something to comfort her or help her sleep, but she wants no part of it. Glad I didn't already buy the next sizes of pacifiers! We still swaddle her everynight to sleep, and Houdini always escapes. Multiple times. If we don't put her in it, she keeps herself awake or easily wakes up by her arms / hands. Tips anyone??
Blair goes down about 7 - 7:30ish (after a short 20-30 minute nap around 5pm - which only happens about 50% of the time) and sleeps until about 2 or 3am. Once I've heated up a bottle, fed / burped, and reswaddled her, it's back to sleep hoping she doesn't wake up before my alarm goes off at 4:50am. Sometimes she gets up at 4am which means I am up for the day.
Visiting with Grandma Nancy (I have no idea why Blair's eyes look so strange - bad lighting and flash?)
Another weird eye picture, but this looks like me as a baby!
My favorite picture . My favorite moment .
Happy 4 months Blair!
Tummy Time