Monday, July 23, 2012

What a week!

Whew… after a week like last week – I am happy that one is over! On the list of less than desirable incidents: a new alternator in my car, a “friend” blow-out, a sick baby girl, and a personal family issue (to be discussed at a later time) that has taken front and center in my mind.

Of all of these things we suffered through last week, here is what I have learned (or some lessons that were reinforced):

Always buy the extended warranty for your car.

Sometimes you grow out of friendships.

Your family will always be there for you.

Sounds like a week, huh? I would love nothing more than to blog about the hardships we go through (on what seems to be a week to week basis), but that is not why (most) of you read this blog. You read it to know what is going on in Little Miss Blair’s life and what we are up to. I spare you the details of some of our most grueling challenges not because our life is PERFECT – but because I try not to be Debbie Downer. J
In all that transpired last week, I was comforted by two signs from God – on the very day that I needed them. The first, a poignant passage:

“Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits’ ” 

 (1 Corinthians 15:33, NKJV)

The second, an email from an old friend that I had not corresponded with in over 6  months. She provided me with the reassurance that I needed in the decision I had been forced to make.

In FUN news, we celebrated my Dad's birthday this week! Bug was with Gammy and GranDad so T and I could celebrate with a few margaritas! Happy, happy birthday to my wonderful Daddy!

Due to recent events, I have decided to lock my blog so that it is no longer public. If you would like to be added to the readers list, you can contact me at and I will add your email to the group.
Hoping for a better week!

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