Saturday, July 14, 2012

Update : HFM

On Friday, I took Blair back to Dr. Kavin's office. This appointment was her 15 month well baby check-up - plus I wanted Dr. Kavin to see how Blair recovering from the HFM. Here are Miss Blair's 15 month stats:

Weight - 26.6 pounds (91%)

Height - 32 inches (88%)

Head Circumference - I cannot remember the measurement, but it was in the 78% percentile.

So she is doing great and is developing just as she should be! She bounced around the whole exam room, playing, chatting, pointing, and reading. My little ball of energy showed Dr. Kavin just how well she was feeling. Her rash is mostly gone, with the exception of the patch around her wrist. Dr. Kavin prescribed some cortisone cream to see if that might help. xXFingersCrossedXx

Gammy and GranDad spent Friday night with Buggie so T and I could get some rest from a LONG week. It is always strange not to hear the monitor on with the lullabies playing! :)  We managed, and slept like babies!

This morning, Trav picked up Blair while I was in a photography workshop. After a 2 hour nap (for B), we headed to Reliant Stadium to see the circus! The rain somehow managed to stop (it has rained all week!) long enough to be very, very hot and humid. Ugh. Too bad they don't valet (& they could charge a steep price) at these kinds of things.

We had great seats, but our section was packed. We had the last two seats on the aisle and we had to get up constantly. We scoped out a higher section in a different area of the stadium where no one was sitting so Blair could walk through the rows between T and I bridging it off. She was happy with the freedom and we were glad to be able to actually spread out. Bug loved bopping and dancing to the music and watching the elephants and horses. She was making the cutest faces and having a blast. When she had had enough, we purchased a bag of cotton candy and headed out. Today was Blair's first experience with cotton candy. I worried about the car ride home - but she did great. And she loved the cotton candy, just like her Momma.

So big day for my little B. I had her decked out in a super cute Gymboree outfit with a matching necklace. She thought she was hot stuff! It was adorable.

These are the pictures I took when we got to the empty rows. I should've taken more but Blair was keeping us busy... we decided to not bring the stroller (because we didn't see a single other one there in hundreds and hundreds of people), plus having to get up so people could get food or use the bathroom - I am beat. Don't forget the walk back to the very hot car in 94 degree heat with 90%+ humidity. Hoooooot.

How many clowns does it take to fix a lightbulb? That's the skit and lost Blair's attention fast!

So big with her big girl necklace. Excuse me while I dry my tears with a tissue.

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