Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"A Rough go of it"

So, a quick recap... a few weeks ago Blair had double ear infections. Then, I got a really bad sinus infection (which was first thought to be strep throat), which Travis then got. I was missing a lot of work. For the last week, we have been illness / symptom free.

Blair woke up on Monday morning with "matter" or "sleep" in her left eye. I knew where this was headed. I cleaned it off and hoped we could make it to our appointment with Dr. Kavin on Tuesday. At 3:00pm, I got the call. Her eye was oozing and goopey. I talked to the director and told her that the doctor would call in drops that day; would it be ok if I brought Blair on Tuesday (knowing I really could not be out of the office). Luckily she agreed. Whew.

Then, this morning both of Blair's eyes were sealed shut. It took me ten minutes to clean them up so she could open them. Poor little bear! Oh, and I forgot to mention her nose. Well, suffice it to say that shade of green isn't healthy. So I stayed home in the morning, then Travis came home in the afternoon so I could go into the office for a few hours. Dr. Kavin confirmed my suspected prognosis... pink eye.

We have to put drops in her eyes throughout the day for a week, then it'll be gone. I feel so badly for her and hope they get better soon!

The title of this post is part of what a coworker said to me today when I told her about the pink eye. Even though it seems as though Blair is either fighting off an ear infection, got a stomach bug, or has pink eye - I am so grateful these are the worst of our problems. When I start to get upset thinking about "what's next," I remember that we could be residents at MD Anderson where children are fighting to live. We are so lucky that we have a great pediatrician and a cure to all of our ailments. For this, I am very, very thankful.

Time to get the Lysol and get down to business.

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