Sunday, September 25, 2011

Date Night 3 : Pinot's Palette

Just a little back story, in case you are new to the blog. Travis and I decided to do a date night once a month - doing something different that we have never done before. Last month, due to our trip to N.O. and B getting sick, we decided to skip date night. I think we made up for it this month.

I had seen an ad in Katy Magazine about "Pinot's Palette". It is a social type of outing where you come to their studio (and with about 60 other people) and paint one of their selected pieces. Each day has a different piece. On Friday, it was Van Gogh's Starry Night - a favorite of ours so we had to sign up. Plus, Trav and I both love art and to paint, so we knew this would be perfect.

We typically try to keep our date nights on a budget, but this one was too neat to pass up. It costs $45 / person, but they provide you with all of the art supplies, and glassware, ice buckets and bottle openers. That's right - you can BYOB and food too! I will warn you that space is limited (they set up 8 canvas / easels per table so it's tiiiight), so I don't know if I would personally recommend food. We decided to grab a quick bite at Mission Burrito beforehand. We did bring our own alcohol and as I mentioned before, they have ice buckets to keep your booze cold (and wine glasses and barware). Very cool. People brought everything from beer to wine to liquor.

We weren't quite sure what to expect with this event - whether you would be given your tools and left to paint on your own, or if it was like a class. It turned out to be an informal class. I suppose when you mix adults, alcohol, and a time limit (the class is from 7 - 10pm) - you need someone to keep them on task. :)

We had such a fun time would DEFINITELY recommend this to anyone (they even do adult and children birthday parties!). It is true that painting can be very therapeutic! Like I mentioned before, it was a little costly, but such a fun experience. I think I would have to say that Date Night #3 was a success.

Our version of Starry Night

Love them!

Now we just need to decide where we are hanging our masterpieces! :)

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