Sunday, September 25, 2011

26 Weeks

Tomorrow, Blair will be 26 weeks old - and on Wednesday, she will turn 6 MONTHS OLD! So hard to believe. Here's what our little girl has been up to this past week.

She is now doing the adorable act of holding her arms up when she wants to be picked up. It is really cute and of course I oblige her. I don't feel you can hold your 6 month old baby too much. 3 year old - maybe, but not a baby!

Lately Blair has been pretty rough on herself. She is pretty good at banging herself with toys (in the face, usually) and falling over on toys. She is still working on the balance, which I know we'll 'get,' it's just not easy being a little bear.

This past week she has also begun splashing in the tub, which is pretty funny considering she doesn't like water in her face. It always startles her, but she seems to get a kick out of it. She also finds is hysterical whenever I yawn (which happens frequently) or mimick any sound she makes. Pretty funny.

Yesterday, Blair got her first cold. It started with a cough and being a little clingy to Mommy and progressed with a runny nose and a low grade fever. Ever since Blair got that viral infection a month ago - I am terrified of fevers. I am worried that if it gets too high and we take her to the ER, they will want to run labs to find out where the infection / fever is coming from (and we are not over that traumatic experience - not by a long shot). So basically, the sight of a rising fever sends me into an anxious mess - which I was yesterday. Her fever remained low grade all day and we kept her on Tylenol to contain it. She spent the first half of the night in her room (with her warm air humidifier running), then spent the second part of the night in our bed. Today, she seems to be better. Definitely not 100%, but she seems much better. Big relief. I hate when she doesn't feel well (what parent doesn't?). With some fluids, rest and lots of TLC - she seems to be on the mend.

Time to put the little one down for a nap. I will blog about Date Night #3 when she is napping...

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