Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blair - 2 Year Stats

So, I am WAY behind on Little Miss’s 2 year stats. Here they are!

Height – 35.75” – 88%

Weight – 31pounds – 89%

Head Circumference – 19” – 70%

She continues to be in the higher than average ranges, and perfect. So, nothing new there.

While we are still talking about sizes, she is currently in 5T or some size 5 clothes and wears a toddler size 9 shoe (and size 4T-5T pull-ups).

My little girly-girl is still a tom-boy at heart. She always has her shins banged up from playing hard. She loves to RUN everywhere. Uncle Chris thinks it is funny how much energy and how fast she is. At the same time, Little Miss enjoys her jewelry, dresses and bows. You just never know with this one.

Blair loves to play outside – and with this amazing weather in the last few months, we have had the chance to spend more time outdoors. She loves to find / spot lizards and to catch rolly-pollys. She even has her own real ladybug at her Gammy’s house that she found. It is funny because she calls all bugs, “ladybugs”. She loves the sound and sight of airplanes overhead and we are always on the look-out for birds. We have resident pair of cardinals that live around our house / neighborhood that love to tap on our windows.

Blair’ vocabulary continues to grow and she can string together some small sentences and communicate very well. My favorite thing she says (other than, “I love you, Mommy!”) is when she is trying a new food and she says, “I like it!” – in a very declarative manner. It makes me laugh every time.

Books and reading are still a favorite pastime of this little gal. She has fallen in love with Green Eggs and Ham, so we usually read that at bedtime. The other night, while Travis was reading the part about not liking the green eggs and ham in the house with the mouse, she told Travis, “Don’t like it with a Mouse, Fox.” She did not like that he would not eat the green eggs and ham with the mouse, or the fox. Her day care recently held a book reading competition amongst the different classrooms and I am proud to say that Blair’s class won! We logged quite a few books, so it was neat that their class pulled through. I don’t remember what the “prize” was – but the exercise itself was good.

Lately Blair has been carrying around a pile of action figure type toys. She has some from Toy Story (a new favorite, ahem, obsession), a few Sesame Street, a couple of Finding Nemo pez dispensers, some Little People animals, and, most recently a microphone (a fun gift from Gramma Ancy). Most of the time she carefully stands them all up on her table. And she’ll tell us that they are her buddies. I love these silly little quirks that make up our girl. She is just so interesting. You can always see her thinking and analyzing.

Other than that, we are just trying to keep up with this busy little girl! She keeps us on our toes, that is for sure. There is never a dull moment with Blair and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We love her more and more each day!

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