Saturday, June 30, 2012

15 Months

First, some pictures of the Iddy Biddy. These were all taken from my iphone, please excuse the quality!

Hi Pi (high five)
Ah Duh (all done)
Eat (in sign language)
Pep (Pepper, Mimi’s dog)
Ni Ni (night, night)
Pish (fish)

B actually knows and can say a lot more than this, but these are the ones I can think of right now!
Sweet B now has 12 pearly whites. The two most recent teeth have come in since we have gotten back from our trip. Now, she will have the four, bottom teeth (she only had the two bottom teeth – in the front – forever) and I think that means all of the “eye” teeth are next.
It has been such a joy at our house with our healthy little girl. Since having the tubes put in nearly three months ago, we (all) have been lucky enough that she has had NO ear infections – yay! And after the HFM virus, other than little colds here and there, she’s been pretty healthy. I am so happy that she is doing so much better and boy are we saving money not having to visit Dr. Kavin every week. Speaking of Dr. K, we have an appointment to catch up on Blair’s shots at the end of summer (impossible to get an appointment!).
Blair has begun to show some interest in puzzles (more than just chewing on the wooden pieces) and continues to love looking at books. Trav has found these really cool board books from Costco that are filled with pictures of animals and first words. They have flaps over them too so she see the names of the animals or pictures. She has gotten really good at identifying the different animals (animals such as turtle, ferret, and antelope – and of course the obvious, dog, cat, bunny, fish). When we ask her, “What does the [insert animal’s name here] say?” She always roars like a bear or lion. Pretty funny. She does know how to make a screeching monkey sound which is pretty funny and cracks us up.
Right now B is into her Sprout channel – especially the “Goodnight Show.” She gets super pumped when Nina and Star come on. We keep seeing a promo for the show “Pajanimals” but I think it comes on too late for Biggles. We bought her a DVD / CD combo to go in her holiday basket – so I know she will be excited.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes! Well, we are still working on the shoulders / knees, but she is pro at "finding" your eyes, nose, ears, hair, teeth, tongue, mouth and cheeks. Oh, and tummies and belly buttons.
We have begun having Blair help us with chores. Nothing serious, but asking her to put something into the trash, helping us clean up her playroom (we have a long way to go with this one!) and helping with laundry (this entails shutting the dryer or me lifting her up to throw clothes into the washer). Big stuff. We have found that allowing her to be a part of the everyday tasks and giving her choices with things (like clothing, books, or milk or water), often leaves her beaming and very proud of herself.
There is no shortage of “babies” in our home and Blair is really picking up on how to feed and be sweet to her babies (although you wouldn’t be able to tell by the way she holds them by the neck [definitely not intentional]).
Little Miss is still enjoying school, although I think if given the choice, she’d pick being with Mom or Dad any day. This week, the center informed us that they will start their lunch program, meaning the end of making lunches for my girl. In some ways I am relieved (that saves me about 20+ mins in the mornings), but in more ways I am nervous… I hope she will like the food and eat it. I am sure I am probably worrying about nothing. Here is hoping she tries new things – and likes them!
Blair is so much fun at this age! I love seeing the things that she is interested in, watching her face respond or comprehend, and playing / learning with her. It is interesting to pose a question to her, watch her think about what you have said – then take action. Super neat!
She is full of love and has a willful spirit. I laugh as I type this because I am pretty sure that my parents also described me as being this way as a bebe. Sometimes I tear up thinking about how “grown up” she can be – especially when I drop her off at school. It is hard to believe that 15 months have flown by and that Trav and I have a toddler!

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