Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blair Gets Tubes...

So today was the day. We woke Blair up around 5:45am this morning to offer her a water / juice bottle before the cut-off time. She drank a little and happily got ready while we waited for Mimi to come over. Texas Children's is literally a minute from our house, so we arrived on time at 7am. Bug was in a great mood and we ran around the foyer until getting registered and sent up to the 3rd floor.

While waiting for our surgeon to arrive from the main campus, we read books, played with toys and rode around in the wagon. When it was time for Blair to go back with the doctor, she went to the nurse happily and gave me a kiss (when I asked for one). I took a deep breath, said another prayer and moved our bags into the Family waiting room. I called Travis to give him a status update and was just getting into the "Live with Kelly" show when the surgeon came to tell me that she was all done. Finished and B was in the recovery room. She said that B had so much thick mucus that they had to clear out a lot of it. I hope that she feels the difference and is feeling better soon.

Blair came out of the anesthesia really great (no crying, just some slight disorientation). She was a huge hit with all of the nurses and we were headed home less than an hour after her surgery.

We came home and after a little bit of hugs for Daddy, Blair took a two and a half hour nap! It was amazing! She was a happy bug the rest of the evening, although she didn't sleep well. I am going to chalk that up to the anesthesia. I will probably make an appointment with Dr. K in a week or so, to check on her ears. What can I say? I am inpatient and cannot wait until the 4 week post-op check up!

Here is my darling little ham...

So, after that two and a half hour nap, when we changed B's diaper and were about to put on some play clothes, when she pointed to her LSU dress that was hanging on her wall. When Travis got it down for her, she hugged it and nodded her head like she agreed and wanted to wear it. So she did. She is a funny gal. You can see how well she was doing just a couple hours after the surgery! My favorite part of the video is when we tell her that we like her dress, she looks down and gives this little approving (agreeing?) smile like, "Yes, it IS cute!"

Hoping these tubes help out our girl... we are tired of ear infections!

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