Saturday, November 12, 2011

And... she is mobile!

That week after Halloween was rough. Blair wasn't sleeping well thanks to that ear infection and congestion (and also thanks to cutting her second bottom tooth), and I was still recovering from not sleeping on Sunday night. Blair was also going to bed really early, so I hadn't gotten to see her much in the evenings. I was getting her up early to give us time to feed her yogurt for breakfast so I could give her the amoxicillin before school. Blair does not typically like to eat right when she wakes up, so it was a challenge. Plus, the medicine made her gag. Needless to say, the mornings were a little stressful.

Then, last Saturday morning (11/5/11) we decided to put Blair on the floor to practice crawling. And right then and there, she began crawling. As a working mother, one of my biggest fears is that I am missing out on her learning and growing. She is with others a large portion of the day, increasing the odds that she is going to do one of her "firsts" with someone other than Travis or myself. I was so proud that she "saved" the crawling for us. It may sound silly, but if those things are a big deal to you, it is sad to think you might miss them. Anyways, it was really neat to watch her move! She is all over the place now. Her teacher is always telling me how she'll crawl everywhere and get into things (grrrrreat!). Oh well, there is no doubt that our daughter is going to be a spirited one. :)

Here are some photos from the week.

Reading "Goodnight Moon" with Daddy

She is so cute!

Note: Yes, the beard is gone and now we have the mustache! As you might remember last year, Travis runs a team at work for "Movember" to raise awareness for prostate cancer. I actually kinda miss the beard.

Bless this little girl's heart. She has had so much yogurt in the last couple of weeks. Dr. Kavin told us to feed it to her, as much as she would like, to help her tummy while she is on this medicine. It has worked really well, but I would imagine the taste is getting a little old. She's been eating the vanilla, banana, & apple sweet potato flavors.

Playing in the bath tub

She thinks that she is pretty funny when she starts splashing and water goes flying everywhere. If I splash a few times, she will do it right after me, then laughs. She is a funny girl.

We took Blair back to Dr. Kavin yesterday to check her ears. They are still red, so now we are on a new antibiotic. At least this one is only one time a day and we can mix it in a little bit of yogurt. I am very bummed out that her ear isn't better and that they were both red. I was hoping this was over. I am hoping that our baby would get to feeling better soon so she can be comfortable. Please say a prayer for our girl.

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