Sunday, August 28, 2011

5 Months!

Well today is the day. Blair is now 5 months old. As I mentioned in the last post, we've had a rough week. We think that Blair is now on the mend (I am holding my breath and praying). She hasn't had a fever in 24 hours. I am hoping that lasts. Yesterday after a short afternoon nap, she just looked better and was wiggling more. She started doing this little move where if she laid on her back, she'd wiggle her legs and push her feet so her body would scoot backward. Too cute.

So I try not to mention the same things over and over when I post her updates, and here are some things that I may not have blogged about before. Blair turns her head and looks at you when you say her name. She rolls everywhere and has the back-to-tummy roll pretty much perfected. She likes to sleep on her side though, that is the preference. We still put her down on her back - it just never lasts. Always moving. You can tell when B is excited because she starts wiggling and kicking those legs and waving her arms. It's really neat to see her respond.

Blair still loves to touch and coo at your face. We'll get real close to her and she just loves to hold your face and talk to you. We call it "making googley eyes" and we love it. She is still very big on singing (I cannot tell you how many times I sang "The Wheels on the Bus" this weekend... countless...) and reading books. Our library of boardbooks has increased dramatically. She's a great page turner.

She is wearing 9 month clothing and she is still in size 3 diapers. Still teething and going through bibs non-stop. No teeth, although the way she's been chewing on things recently, we could be close.

We didn't take many pictures this week since things were so crazy and my baby was sick.

Happy 5 Month Birthday to my baby girl!

Mommy and her sick little girl

Daddy and Blair reading books

Tummy time at 21 weeks

Looking out the window

5 Month Photo Shoot

Sweet bear

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