Wow, how quickly time NOW passes! I cannot believe that two weeks have come and gone, in what feels like the blink of an eye. Being pregnant for 39 weeks seemed to crawl by, and now I find myself adjusting to the instant change of not being pregnant. Like I explained to Travis, it takes a long time to "be pregnant," then in one day, you have your baby and you are instantly not pregnant. Although I was really tired of being uncomfortable in the last few weeks of the pregnancy, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss it (or at least a small part of it).
Today I also put all of my maternity clothes into the storage container (for the next pregnancy). I am pretty much back down to my starting weight, so no need to for the extra clothes hanging around the closet.
Enough about that, and on to the most important, wonderful, perfect little being in existence... our Blair. We are still just loving every precious second with her. I love every little face, yawn (she has THE BEST yawns!), sound, snuggle that comes out of this little girl. She's an amazing snuggler and prefers to snuggle up next to Travis, on her side, any day or night (she gets the snuggling from both Mom and Dad). It's the most precious thing and warms my heart beyond words. We've had such a special bonding experience with our daughter, it's been really, truly wonderful.
Our days are pretty relaxed, we just go with the flow. When Blair wants to eat, we feed her and when she wants to sleep, we snuggle her until she falls asleep. Since day 2, she has showed an incredible urge to lift her head up (which terrifies her mother). Such a strong little girl! We talked to her pediatrician last week and they said we could do supervised tummy time. Tonight we are going to put her on her Baby Einstein activity mat. Obviously she can't really do anything on the mat (other than look adorable), but it might be fun to get her used to it.
Blair is sleeping about 3 -4 hours at a time, which has been great! We are very fortunate. She is also now up to 4 oz bottles (finishing them most of the time). She is growing every day... it is so amazing to watch. Sleep, eat, snuggle. Repeat. That's the way we roll.
We've had lots of family and friends come to visit us. A huge THANK YOU to our friends and family that brought us yummy dinners. Such a nice treat to have dinner made for us. Lasagna, chicken spaghetti and brisket sandwiches... just to name a few! We are so thrilled to be able to show off our little Blair to anyone that wants to come and visit, and she sure enjoys the attention! I am in the process of planning a "Sip and See" so that friends and family can come over, open house style, to meet our B and see her nursery. Assuming that I can get things ironed out and I can make it happen, we are aiming for the middle / end of May.
We take tons of pictures of Blair, but usually when she is sleeping. When she is awake, Travis or I are generally in her face playing with her and forget about taking pictures. :)

We are just loving our little family and taking in every moment with our little Blair. She fills our hearts with so much love and so much joy, I cannot believe how wonderful being a parent feels. It is everything that I thought it would be... and so much more!